This is the continuation of an original fiction piece by baloonacy, formerly known as crazienis. The first part is here.
The Dark Years, Segment 2
After sitting in the tree for 10 cold, damp, miserable minutes, Tom showed up. All the cold seemed to melt away when I saw him. He looked slightly put off, but when he saw me his face lit up. He jogged the rest of the way to the tree and gave me a hand down. We squished across my lawn for the final time, though I wasn’t sad to see it go. It had been the site of many childhood injuries, though they had been my fault because I had had no one else there to blame or even talk to. As I fastened my seatbelt in Tom's truck, his face fell.
"Tommy, what's the matter?" I asked, confused.
"Braden's up to his old tricks again, and this time, he's dead serious. So just be careful, and don't tell him that I'm going to be the one to finish the rite for you, because if he knows, he'll jump the gun and possibly kill you."
We're Middle School Students Writing about Reading!
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
My favorite books By cece07

Hey guys!! I am not doing a "book" post I am doing a "me" post. It is about the types of books I like to read, and I also want to hear about the types of books you guys like to read. I'm serious--please tell me about the kind of books you like to read and the types of books you want me to read and review.
My favorite series so far is The Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket, and my favorite book alone is probably......
My favorite series so far is The Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket, and my favorite book alone is probably......
Reasons to Be Happy by Katrina Kittle. I love reading, so if you really want me to read a book and do a post on it (maybe), you should just go to the bottom of the home page and click on the white box and enter a comment. You can say send it to Cece07 and I'd be so HAPPY!!!!! Well, thanks for hearing or reading me ramble on why you should shoot me a comment or send me a book suggestion, but seriously make the world a better place.... READ!!! Thanks!!! - Cece07
Friday, November 25, 2011
The Dollhouse, original fiction by cutiegreek333
"Mommy! Look! A dolly house! Can I have it? It is so pretty!" little Claira asked her mother at Shopko on her seventh birthday.
Mrs. Hope examined the price tag. "Of course, dear! Think of it as a birthday present from your father," Mrs. Hope said. The mention of the late Mr. Hope made Claira look at her feet, but Claira remembered what he always told her when she was near tears: "Brighten up because only you can put yourself down."
Claira decided that, even though she didn't know what it meant, she would brighten up. Giving her mother a huge smile, she gingerly picked up the box and placed it in the cart. Claira, forgetting her mother's
comment, about her father, shuffled next to her mother, proud of her new blue and pink doll house.
As soon as Mrs. Hope and Claira were home, Claira opened her doll house. Inside was huge, even though the outside was small. It had a whole bunch of rooms, a bathroom, three bedrooms, a bunch of walk-in closets, a kitchen, a dining room, a parlor, a front hallway, a pool that attached to the back side of the house, and a huge living room!
Claira had just found the Barbie doll that came with the house when someone slammed the front door. Claira's older sister walked through the hallway, looking about to either throw someone against a wall or cry her eyes out. When her sister got upstairs, Mrs. Hope started talking to Claira's older sister. Then Claira heard shouts and then a door slam for the second time that day, and probably not the last.
Claira wished she could stay seven forever. As she started to put her doll house together, she silently wished to herself, "I wish I don't have to live here when I'm fourteen. I never want to have to deal with yelling or slamming doors. I wish I could live here with you, Barbie."
As Claira left to eat dinner the doll house winked - as all magical doll houses should.
As soon as Mrs. Hope and Claira were home, Claira opened her doll house. Inside was huge, even though the outside was small. It had a whole bunch of rooms, a bathroom, three bedrooms, a bunch of walk-in closets, a kitchen, a dining room, a parlor, a front hallway, a pool that attached to the back side of the house, and a huge living room!
Claira had just found the Barbie doll that came with the house when someone slammed the front door. Claira's older sister walked through the hallway, looking about to either throw someone against a wall or cry her eyes out. When her sister got upstairs, Mrs. Hope started talking to Claira's older sister. Then Claira heard shouts and then a door slam for the second time that day, and probably not the last.
Claira wished she could stay seven forever. As she started to put her doll house together, she silently wished to herself, "I wish I don't have to live here when I'm fourteen. I never want to have to deal with yelling or slamming doors. I wish I could live here with you, Barbie."
As Claira left to eat dinner the doll house winked - as all magical doll houses should.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Book Review: The Uglies by Scott Westerfeld

A book review by GIRlover230
The name of the book I read is: Uglies
The format is: paperback The author is: Scott Westerfeld
The number of pages: 425
The price I got it at was: $8.99
The book is about a town in a time where anyone who is normal is ugly. Luckily, when you’re sixteen, you undergo a surgery that makes you pretty (in their terms). Tally, the main character, can’t wait to get her surgery done. Her best friend Paris has already gotten his surgery done and was already in New Pretty Town (that’s the town you go to when you’re pretty). Tally is three months younger than Paris so she is alone for three months until she turns pretty. So one day she decides to go visit Paris in New Pretty Town, but the thing is, Uglies are not allowed in New Pretty Town, so she sneaks in. I won’t go into details, but when she leaves she finds another Ugly named Shay. During the three months until they get their surgeries done, Shay and Tally become good friends the week before there surgeries Shay tells Tally a big secret, then gives her a map in code to tell where she’s going. She tried to talk Tally into going, but it didn’t work. I’m not going to tell any more spoilers, but they go on a big adventure.
I thought this book was good, and it has a really surprising ending. I also liked the author's description of the characters, how detailed he was on describing things. My favorite part was the turning point, and the big decision Tallie made in the New Smoke. You'll find out about the New Smoke when you read the book.
This is the first of three books. The names are Uglies, Pretties, and Specials. I liked it enough to read the rest of the series, and I'm now on the third book. This is probably one of the first science-fiction books I've read and liked.
Rating: 5 out of 5 chocolate bars
Appropriateness: fairy princessWhere I got it: we owned it but you could get it at a book store or library.
Cover thoughts: I like it. It fits my idea of Tallie because I imagined her with reddish-brown hair like that. I think it's eye-catching because if it were on a shelf, I'd probably see it and go grab it.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Justin Beiber:Biography

A book review by pinkmuffinkitty
Title: Justin Bieber: First Step 2 Forever
Format: paperback or can be bought in hardcover
Author: Justin Bieber himself
Length: 240 pages.Price: $8.99
My favorite part of the book is probably when he showed pictures of him using his skateboard and his bike, and when he told about how old he was when he first got a skateboard. I like to skateboard, so that was fun to read about. One thing I learned about him that I didn't know before is that his favorite color is purple. I liked all the pictures.
Rating: 5 out of 5 chocolate bars
Appropriateness: Fairy Princess because he doesn't say anything bad; he just tells his favorite clothes and foods and stuff.
Cover Thoughts: I like his cover because he's smiling.
Friday, November 18, 2011
My Life and Robots
Original Fiction by Goatboy
I was nine when the robots took over. People said it was fake. People always said the world would end. If it wasn't lightning and tsunamis, it was zombies. It all started when scientists discovered how to cross bioligical and technological robotics. It was declared the feat of the century. The robots could understand tasks on their own without being programmed for them.
Then the robots thought, these old guys in labcoats are annoying, I'll blow them up. The scientists said it would happen; the government didn't believe them. The robots took over, and you would say eh it's fake and then oh,an evil robot! You just know that some old science guy is in the background saying I told you.
All that was left were small groups of people after a long period of war, gathered in America. Some elite groups of the army gathered in other places. I held a group of soldiers, three other teenagers, on Bleaker Street, New York. They were: Mike, our tech wiz; Blade, our rock solid muscle; Sabrina, my athletic girlfriend; and me--Tony. We took the back ways to the commander's base. The main streets were controlled by robots.
There are three kinds of robots: the 28-x's, stupid muscle; O'Reilys, arial bots; and the B.O.S.S's., Battle Operated Strike Systems. I hope we don't run into any of those on our way.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
book review The accidental hero

A book review BY DIMESIONGIRL12
BOOK TITLE The accidental hero.
FORMAT: I read it in paperback.
AUTHOR: Matt Myklucsh
LENGTH: It has 470 pages
PRICE: It’s $5.99 at Walmart, but it's $7.99 elsewhere.
I love this book because it shows an alternative reality and how it would happen if we opened up our minds to the impossible. I wish it were real. I liked how everyone was very unique, and I can get what Jack feels because I, too, have experienced what it's like to be unique. The one weakness is it was boring at parts because it follows a pretty basic plot of the hero finding out who he is, training, and beating the bad guys. I wish it would have been mixed up a little with maybe some more conflict like Revile could have captured him or something.
PRICE: It’s $5.99 at Walmart, but it's $7.99 elsewhere.
I love this book because it shows an alternative reality and how it would happen if we opened up our minds to the impossible. I wish it were real. I liked how everyone was very unique, and I can get what Jack feels because I, too, have experienced what it's like to be unique. The one weakness is it was boring at parts because it follows a pretty basic plot of the hero finding out who he is, training, and beating the bad guys. I wish it would have been mixed up a little with maybe some more conflict like Revile could have captured him or something.
For 12 years Jack lived at St. Barneby’s Home for the Hopeless, Abandoned, Forgotten and Lost. Now he lives in the world of Imagine Nation. Jack has been infected with a virus that usually turns the host into a robo-zombie. But will the robo-zombies get Jack? Will he beat the virus ??
RATING: I think it rates 5 chocolate bars.
COVER THOUGHTS: I think the cover should be more eye-popping like it showing Jack and his friends and them standing on Revile.
I know right now you think I'm crazy, but read the book and you'll thank me.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Two Book Reviews by pink muffin kitty
Book reviews by:pink muffin kitty
title: A Child Called It
format:paperbackauthor: Dave Pelzer
I like the book A Child Called It because it has some mean/very sad parts in it that almost made me cry. And because it has some good parts. My favorite part is when at the end the mom is nice to him. My unfavorite part is when the mom calles him it and she said that it is his name. And his mom also starved him almost to death. :(
rating:three chocolate bars
appropriatness: I think that it is a vampire for 6th grade and up because it is an really sad book.

Format: paperbackor hardcover
I'm doing my second book review on the book Junie B. Jones:Boss of the Lunchroom. I like this book because it has good parts and it has like one bad part in it. The worst part is that Junie B. got in trouble because she was blurting in class. The best part is that in the end Junie B. got out of trouble and she got to be the teacher for the day and she was very happy. I like this book because it is for all ages and a lot of people read these kinds of books, so that's why I did the book review on Junie B. Jones.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan
You can tell that the In the Middle (of a Good Book) staff has a lot of tastes in common, because we've had a Hiaasen theme, and now we're in a Riordan streak! Everyone's been crazy to read the book Son of Neptune, so this is our second review of it by thierryhenry14!
TITLE: Son of Neptune
AUTHOR: Rick Riordan
FORMAT: ebook
PRICE: Discounted to $9.99
Son of Neptune is...aaaammmmmmmmaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This second book of Heroes of Olympus series is a perfect sequel to the first book The Lost Hero. The second book is from a Greek demigod's (Percy Jackson) point of view, whereas in the first book it was from Jason's (a Roman demigod) point of view. Percy's memory was stolen by Juno (Hera), so Percy has to find the Roman demigods' camp, Camp Jupiter, without his memory. At camp, Percy meets Hazel and Frank (who both have a curse set on them). They help him along the way on his quest to Alaska, also known as the land beyond the gods, to release Pluto's (Hades) lieutenant Thanatos from his captive, the giant Alcyoneus (who is unbeatable in the place he was born, a.k.a. Alaska), son of the earth goddess Gaea.
Son of Neptune is totally the action-packed, exciting, suspenseful book I was looking forward to when I bought it. The book goes above and beyond expectations -- I mean this book is seriously amazing. I have read the Percy Jackson and the Last Olympians series, and the gods in those books are in their Greek form, so personally I liked seeing the change in the gods' characters and personalities, and of course I enjoyed reading the new characters.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoyed any of the Percy Jackson books by Rick Riordan. It's seriously good.
I give this book 4 1/2 chocolate bars because it is really good. I am being more serious than I ever have in my entire life; I do not joke about chocolate.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
YOU by Charles Benoit
Title: YOU
Author: Charles Benoit
Format: Hardcover
Length: 240 pages
Price: $16.99
You read book called YOU by Charles Benoit. It was written in 2nd person, which is the reason for writing this post in 2nd person. This book is about you, Kyle Chase, a 15-year-old sophomore. You hang with the Hoodies -- the couple of friends you have made since you've been going to school here because you know you'd never be a jock or a brain. You wish your parents would quit hassling you about getting a job, or inviting your friends over. When you do hang out with your friends, it is normally the dead of night and involves beer and smoking. But your whole world changes when the new kid, Zach, becomes an acquaintance. Suddenly everything turns upside down because of a stupid jock and a screwed up Hello Kitty card. You're not sure about anything anymore. Is Zach your friend? Is Ashley more than a friend?
The book had a lot of strenghs and weaknesses. Some of the strenghs were that the book accurately describes the horrors of high school, the bullying, the drugs/alcohol, and the popularity ranking. Plus it was very well written. Some weaknesses were that the relationship with Ashley was too...I don't know how to put this other than fake--not all of it, but the part where she admits her feelings was. My favorite part was when "You" had some significant character development......... I'm not saying any more!!!!!!! I won"t spoil!!!!!!
Rating: 4 out of 5 chocolate bars
Cover Comments: The cover accurately describes the book.
Monday, November 7, 2011
My Life in Pink and Green By: Cece07
A book review by Cece07
Title: My Life in Pink and Green
Author: Lisa Greenwald
Format: Paperback
Length: 272 pages
Price: $6.95
This book, called My Life in Pink and Green, is by Lisa Greenwald. It is about a girl named Lucy Desberg who works at a family-owned pharmacy with her mother and grandmother. Their family-owned pharmacy is going through tough times, also known as bankruptcy. Lucy is brainstorming ideas how to help the pharmacy, when it just so happens that the prom queen has a hair crisis, and Lucy is asked for advice.
Lucy has worked at this pharmacy ever since she can remember, so she knows where everything is, and of course where everything is supposed to be. So she helps the prom queen, and the word spreads quickly. Lucy's really getting the hang of this--she's getting to do make-up for dances, birthdays, parades, and even Bat Mitzvahs. Meanwhile, she has developed a big crush that popped up out of nowhere.
One day she's surfing the web and comes across this Eco-grant that the mayor has posted. She thinks that they should try to open an Eco-spa to help save the pharmacy.The mayor said whichever person has the best reason to help the earth and make a living off of it will win and get the money to do their idea. Mom's all for it, but Grandma is the opposite. Take a guess or just read this novel and see for yourself if Lucy saves the pharmacy and see if her crush likes her back.
Rating:4 out of 5 chocolate bars
Appropriateness: fairy princess: it's pretty good, nothing too bad
Cover Thoughts: It's a totally cool cover! It fits the book perfectly!

Title: My Life in Pink and Green
Author: Lisa Greenwald
Format: Paperback
Length: 272 pages
Price: $6.95
This book, called My Life in Pink and Green, is by Lisa Greenwald. It is about a girl named Lucy Desberg who works at a family-owned pharmacy with her mother and grandmother. Their family-owned pharmacy is going through tough times, also known as bankruptcy. Lucy is brainstorming ideas how to help the pharmacy, when it just so happens that the prom queen has a hair crisis, and Lucy is asked for advice.
Lucy has worked at this pharmacy ever since she can remember, so she knows where everything is, and of course where everything is supposed to be. So she helps the prom queen, and the word spreads quickly. Lucy's really getting the hang of this--she's getting to do make-up for dances, birthdays, parades, and even Bat Mitzvahs. Meanwhile, she has developed a big crush that popped up out of nowhere.
One day she's surfing the web and comes across this Eco-grant that the mayor has posted. She thinks that they should try to open an Eco-spa to help save the pharmacy.The mayor said whichever person has the best reason to help the earth and make a living off of it will win and get the money to do their idea. Mom's all for it, but Grandma is the opposite. Take a guess or just read this novel and see for yourself if Lucy saves the pharmacy and see if her crush likes her back.
Rating:4 out of 5 chocolate bars
Appropriateness: fairy princess: it's pretty good, nothing too bad
Cover Thoughts: It's a totally cool cover! It fits the book perfectly!
Friday, November 4, 2011
The Dead Face Girl
This is a continuation of an original fiction piece by flickagirl. The first part is found here! :)
Chapter 2
I was walking home. Exciting, huh? I bet you thought I was going something less ordinary, like heading to a secret underground government base so they can do tests on me or something. Well, it’s not. I was just walking home one fall afternoon, and if that’s not exciting enough for you, then go read a sci-fi book.
Anyway, I was walking down the road, admiring the amazing fall colors. And everything else about fall, really. Fall and winter are my favorite seasons because during the summer and spring, everyone’s outside. If I go out, the fun somehow stops. Either that or little boys start chasing me around yelling, “Whoever slays the ogre gets half of my Pokémon cards!”
Basically, not fun. But during the fall and winter, everyone’s inside sipping hot chocolate and watching reruns of their favorite reality TV show. (At least that’s what my foster mother does.)
So during fall and winter, everything outside is mine. But the fall is my all-time favorite, because it’s warm, but not so hot that you want to fall asleep (which happens to me during the summer), and it smells. During the fall, it smells like fall. Like calmness. Like life. But a life where having an ugly face doesn’t matter.
So during the fall, I have a habit of accidentally-on-purpose missing the bus and walking home. Just to absorb the sights, smells, and, above all, the feeling of complete serenity. But not today. Today was the day I met her, the first person to actually love me, to actually care.
It was just a usual day walking home, but the sound of my feet on the gravel road wasn’t right. It was too loud. I looked down and just watched my black All-stars move down the road. Right, left, right, left. Then I knew. I forgot to take my shoes off. I reached down and started untying the laces.
Just then, I heard the sound of a car, and quickly moved to the side of the road. That’s funny, I thought. Cars don’t usually come around here. But it was definitely a car. I could tell by the sound of its engine. As I turned the corner, I saw a bright purple Prius speeding away, leaving behind a trail of dust and muffled squeals to hurry up.
Immediately I knew that something was up. Bright purple cars filled with giggling teenaged girls just don’t drive around on dirt roads without a reason. And then I saw it. I had walked down this road a million times and never noticed it. It was a house. The house was tiny and was painted a dull yellow color. It was worn, but not in bad shape. There weren’t any holes that I could see, and no broken windows. Except for one…
I rushed inside and looked around. There were basically two rooms that I could see. I was standing in one of them. Below my bare feet there was a tan mat that looked like it was hand woven. The room was your basic four wall room, and each wall was painted a warm brown color. On every wall there was a picture of a beautiful young woman doing various different things. In one she was walking down the aisle, in another she was in a park throwing a Frisbee to a young man, in another holding two infants, and in the last, which was right behind me, running down a beach with her hair blowing in her face. She was beautiful, with dark hair and dark eyes.
Someone coughed. I tore my eyes away from the beautiful woman in the picture and squinted into the shadows of the back of the room. There was the strangest sight I had ever seen. An elderly lady, maybe in her sixties, sitting in a rocking chair knitting, with about a billion different cats.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Son of Neptune By: Rick Riordan
A book review by cutiegreek333
Book Title: Son of Neptune
Author: Rick Riordan
Format: Hardback
Length: 544 pages
Price: List price $19.99, but I got for forty percent off and on sale!
OMG!!!! You haven't lived until you've read this book!!!!!!!!! It is a perfect blend between the original Percy Jackson books and the new Heroes of Olympus series. This book is about Percy Jackson being sent to Camp Jupiter by Lupa the Wolf without retaining any of his memories...... except a little bit of Annabeth of course ;)........Camp Jupiter is the Roman demigod camp. At Camp Jupiter, Percy meets Hazel and Frank who both bear curses. Hazel's curse is due to the fact that she is the daughter of Pluto/Hades....I won't tell you what it is, though. Frank's curse is more like a death sentence ... his life depends on a half-burned piece of wood. This story is about their adventure to unleash Death A.K.A Thantoes from his prison which is gaurded by Gaea's eldest son, a giant, Alcyoneus......... in Alaska, which is out of the gods' sphere of power. So during their quest they have no chance of godly help, they are on their own.
Book Title: Son of Neptune
Author: Rick Riordan
Format: Hardback
Length: 544 pages
Price: List price $19.99, but I got for forty percent off and on sale!
OMG!!!! You haven't lived until you've read this book!!!!!!!!! It is a perfect blend between the original Percy Jackson books and the new Heroes of Olympus series. This book is about Percy Jackson being sent to Camp Jupiter by Lupa the Wolf without retaining any of his memories...... except a little bit of Annabeth of course ;)........Camp Jupiter is the Roman demigod camp. At Camp Jupiter, Percy meets Hazel and Frank who both bear curses. Hazel's curse is due to the fact that she is the daughter of Pluto/Hades....I won't tell you what it is, though. Frank's curse is more like a death sentence ... his life depends on a half-burned piece of wood. This story is about their adventure to unleash Death A.K.A Thantoes from his prison which is gaurded by Gaea's eldest son, a giant, Alcyoneus......... in Alaska, which is out of the gods' sphere of power. So during their quest they have no chance of godly help, they are on their own.
I recommend this book to anyone who loved the first PJ series, who love Greek/Roman mythology, and Rick Riordan books!!!
I rate this book 4 1/2 chocolate bars
Appropriateness: Vampire, for mild violence
Cover Thoughts: It seems really dramatic, but yet it represents the book well even though it's not a scene in the book.
BTW!!!!!!!!!! Keep an eye out for the next Heroes of Olympus book Mark of Athena!!
C ya!
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