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Monday, December 26, 2011

The Dead Face Girl (part 3)

This is a continuation of an original fiction piece by flickagirl. The first part is found here!  You can follow the tag dead face girl for all installments.


Chapter 3

By the way, this chapter is important. It’s arguably more important than the chapter in which you met Missus. Arguably. So pay attention.

It wasn’t that long since I met Missus, when there was a new kid in school. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, his name was Ben. The first class I was in with him was math. Our math teacher, Mr. Schwartz, made him stand up in front of the class and talk about his personal life. We found out where he lived before he moved to Duluth, Minnesota, and what he thought about living here. He hesitated a few minutes, and then said, “It’s a little colder than California.”

At that I snorted. It was only fall. Wait till he felt winter. Instead of listening to the rest of Mr. Schwartz’s interrogation, I studied this Ben character. He was short for boys his age, barely 5’ 1’’, and that wasn’t the only way he was small. He was terribly scrawny, with brown hair that was slightly mussed. He had extremely prominent cheek bones, and impossibly pale skin. But he stood in a welcoming position, and had a warm smile, so, under normal conditions, I probably would have liked him. But unfortunately for him, I was in a bad mood today.

Mr. Schwartz finished his dumb questions, and Ben sat down. As Mr. Schwartz started the lesson, Ben took a quick glance around. The first person that caught his eye was me. He gave me a little smile. Like I said I was in a bad mood, so I decided to be a little evil. Well… a lot evil. I pulled down my hood, flipped back my hair, and starred right into his eyes. He made a sound like a puppy makes when its tail gets stepped on.

“Ha!” I thought, “That kid won’t be bothering me again anytime soon.”

How wrong I was.

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