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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Matched, by Ally Condie: a review by Fuzzies

Name: Fuzzies
Title: Matched
Author: Allie Condie
Format:  Scholastic paperback, sneek peek of the sequel Crossed at the end.
Matched takes place in the not-too-distant future, and like The Giver (Also a really good book -- great for book reports!) the world is ruled by The Society. The Society decides where you work, who you love, what you do in you future, and even when you die. The book starts out at the Matching banquet, where all of the 17-year olds of the current time find out who the officials matched them with. The matches are the couples, or who you will marry.
Cassia, the main charecter, is matched with her best friend, Xander, which is very unusual. But Cassia starts to love another boy she meets, named Ky. But it's impossible for someone to be matched with someone other than your match, and Ky is an Aberation, meaning that he will never be matched, and they usually have to work in the nutrition deartment (a bad job). Soon, Cassia's grandfather has to die, but before he does, he shows Cassia something, I'm not going to tell you what it is but I'll tell you a hint: Acorrding to the society it's illegal, and it inspires Cassia to rebell against the society. The rest of the book is about Ky and Cassia's struggles against the power of the society. 
Five Chocolate bars. excellent.
Rating: Fairy Princess; however, there is a lot of love and ushy gushy stuffs like that.
Cover thoughts: I liked the cover because it really shows how Cassia is trapped in the world of the society. I really found it meaningful.

1 comment:

  1. OMQ-(OH MY QUAIL!!! Want to read this now!!!
    Library here I come!!!


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